AKATIGA is a non-profit research institute established in 1991, founded by a group of social science researchers from the Bandung Institute of Technology and Bogor Agricultural Institute who at that time carried out collaborative research on rural development with researchers from the Institute for Social Studies, The Hague.

AKATIGA directs itself to become a leading research reference for changes in marginalized people in Indonesia, through research activities, advocacy, and knowledge exchange. Through these various activities, AKATIGA assists the marginalized in expanding their access to resources and policy-making processes, especially in areas such as labour, small businesses, agriculture, community-based development, budgeting policies, and public services.

AKATIGA’s researches, in general, are carried out using qualitative methods, taking into account the relevant quantitative data. Primary data were obtained by in-depth interviews, direct observation, focus group discussions, and surveys. During the field research period, AKATIGA researchers also stay at the research location for one to three months to observe and understand more clearly their research subjects.

AKATIGA provides inputs and recommendations based on research results to encourage policy changes. This process is carried out through advocacy and network strengthening to marginalized groups, civil society, government, mass media, Indonesianists, researchers, and international institutions.

Currently, AKATIGA is also one of the research institutions in Indonesia that has joined the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) program initiated by AusAID. This program aims to encourage research-based policy making. KSI supports AKATIGA and other research institutions in strengthening the capacity of organizations and researchers to improve their research capabilities to produce research that can be used as a reference for policy makers.