PodCast: Fatayat NU Pati Guards JKN-KIS
Discussing how PC Fatayat NU Pati oversees the JKN-KIS network for Pati residents who really need it

Women Voice: Fatayat NU Pati Ready to Supervise the Implementation of JKN-KIS
The Pati Regency Branch Manager (PC)-Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) admitted that he was ready to supervise the implementation of the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) program.

FC Fatayat NU Bandung Regency Launches Voiced Women Escorting JKN-KIS
Fatayat Nahddatul Ulama (NU) Bandung Regency held the Launching of “Women with a Voice Overseeing JKN-KIS” at Korpri Building Komlek Pemda Soreang, (16/9/21)

The Regent of Bandung Appreciates the “Women Voice Overseeing JKN-KIS” AKATIGA – Fatayat NU
The Regent of Bandung Dadang Supriatna welcomed and appreciated the Women with a Voice Overseeing JKN-KIS program which was launched at the Korpri Building, Soreang, Bandung Regency

Crisis Resilience through Rural Revitalization
Covid-19 pandemic has caused a large wave of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) to return to their hometowns in the villages. This creates an abundance of labor and is feared to be an economic burden