Crisis Resilience through Rural Revitalization
Covid-19 pandemic has caused a large wave of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) to return to their hometowns in the villages. This creates an abundance of labor and is feared to be an economic burden

More Inclusive Village Treasury Land Management
This discussion was held in the hall of the Podoluhur Village Office and was attended by the Head of Dispermades-P3A, Head of Section for Revenue, Financial Management and Village Assets of Dispermades P3A, representatives from Bappeda, representatives from the Governance Section of the Regional Secretariat and representatives from Klirong District.

Village Treasury Land Governance in Kalibeji Village, Kebumen
To learn the pattern of Village Treasury Land Governance in Kebumen, AKATIGA, as well as FORMASI, held a series of assessment activities in 6 villages in Kebumen. One of them is Kalibeji village, Sempor sub-district.

Advocacy Discussion Village Cash Management for Poor Communities
with FORMASI (Civil Society Forum) Kebumen, AKATIGA held a discussion "Policy Advocacy Strategy: Natural Resources/Land, Agriculture, Job Opportunities for Young People in Rural Areas.