• Migration Patterns of Youth NTT

    This study advises the Indonesian government to pay special attention to youth internal migration patterns, especially where there are risks to youth welfare and safety, and generally pay attention to the challenges faced by young age groups when migrating.


This research is a collaboration between Plan International and AKATIGA. The purpose of this research is to identify the pattern of migration of young people between provinces, both men and women in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The results of the study show that mobility and migration are part of the daily life and life cycle of young people in NTT, mainly due to the need to improve their economic conditions which have not been met due to limited job opportunities in their villages.

The term young people in this study refers to the definition of Plan International Indonesia, namely those aged between 15 to 29 years. In addition, this study also captures the differences between women and men. The method used includes a literature review and macro data on the characteristics of youth groups and migration in Indonesia (especially NTT), as well as through in-depth interviews with young men and women, parents, and leaders in the study villages.

This study concludes that migration is part of the life cycle of youth in NTT. Therefore, it is very important to provide young people with the appropriate skills and education so as to give them wider opportunities to find employment. It can also improve their bargaining position if they choose to migrate. One other important finding, for young people who decide to stay in their area of ​​origin, is that it is very important to give them access to land management if they want to work in agriculture or develop other skills to access jobs around their village, such as tourism or service industries.

This research is a collaboration between Plan International and AKATIGA. The purpose of this research is to identify the pattern of migration of young people between provinces, both men and women in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The results of the study show that mobility and migration are part of the daily life and life cycle of young people in NTT, mainly due to the need to improve their economic conditions which have not been met due to limited job opportunities in their villages.

The term young people in this study refers to the definition of Plan International Indonesia, namely those aged between 15 to 29 years. In addition, this study also captures the differences between women and men. The method used includes a literature review and macro data on the characteristics of youth groups and migration in Indonesia (especially NTT), as well as through in-depth interviews with young men and women, parents, and leaders in the study villages.

This study concludes that migration is part of the life cycle of youth in NTT. Therefore, it is very important to provide young people with the appropriate skills and education so as to give them wider opportunities to find employment. It can also improve their bargaining position if they choose to migrate. One other important finding, for young people who decide to stay in their area of ​​origin, is that it is very important to give them access to land management if they want to work in agriculture or develop other skills to access jobs around their village, such as tourism or service industries.

This research also found that when young people are in the main village locations, namely areas that are close to activity or economic centers, there are more job opportunities from various sectors. However, in places where young people live in villages far from village activity centers, the tendency to migrate increases. Thus, this research concludes that for many young people, the decision to migrate is not always a personal choice. There is a combination of factors that have a direct impact on youth motivation and intention to migrate. These factors include the influence of the family and the socio-cultural conditions or norms of the community where they live, and the location of the village which is the center of activity.

This research recommends expanding the agricultural sector’s access (such as land management) and other economic sectors’ access to employment opportunities for young people in villages. This can be achieved through horticultural development and ongoing training and support programs in the agricultural sector by introducing long-term cultivated commodities, such as candlenut, coffee and cloves. With regard to horticultural cultivation, the need for training for young men and women has increased, along with increasing education in NTT. However, this increase in education must be accompanied by an expansion of employment opportunities so that in turn it can contribute to improving economic conditions in each region. This study advises the Indonesian government to pay special attention to youth internal migration patterns, especially where there are risks to youth welfare and safety, and generally pay attention to the challenges faced by young age groups when migrating.


  • Year


  • Focus Activity

    Kependudukan, Tenaga Kerja

  • Location Study

    Manggarai Barat, Sumba Barat, dan Timur Tengah Selatan

  • Coordinator Study

    Fauzan Djamal dan Suzanne Naafs (QC)

  • Team Research

    Viesda Pithaloka, Muklas Aji Setiawan, Fadhli Ilhami, Phadli Hasyim, Agnes Gita, dan Rasmita Yulia, Widya Garnieta.