• Studi Evaluasi Formatif Program Tropical Forest Conservation Action for Kalimantan

    TFCA-Kalimantan focuses its programs on four strategic objectives, which include (1) protecting biodiversity and ecosystems, (2) improving the livelihoods of forest peoples, (3) reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and (4) disseminating ideas and experiences about forest conservation and REDD+ implementation in Indonesia.


TFCA-Kalimantan focuses its programs on four strategic objectives, which include (1) protecting biodiversity and ecosystems, (2) improving the livelihoods of forest peoples, (3) reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and (4) disseminating ideas and experiences about forest conservation and REDD+ implementation in Indonesia. This goal was achieved through the distribution of grants to 54 partners of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) / Non-Governmental Organizations (KSM) and universities in 4 grant cycle periods (2014 to April 2019). AKATIGA conducted a formative evaluation study of the implementation and governance of the TFCA-Kalimantan program with the aim of (i) obtaining an overview of the performance of TFCA Kalimantan programs and projects by looking at the aspects of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, participation, impact and sustainability; (ii) compiling a learning synthesis as Knowledge Management (KM) material for TFCA Kalimantan; (iii) provide recommendations for improvement and improvement of the achievements of TFCA Kalimantan programs and projects.

AKATIGA develops an evaluation approach that can link effectiveness, efficiency, impact, participation and sustainability in one conceptual framework. In this evaluation process, we combined several conceptual approaches consisting of Theory of Change (Weiss, 1997), measurement of effectiveness and efficiency/cost-effectiveness analysis for the public sector (World Bank, 2007), environmental valuation by proxy to measure the value of forest carbon ( Rochmayanto, et al., 2014), Gender Analysis Pathway (BAPPENAS, 2007) and stakeholder analysis (Reed et al., 2009).

The process of extracting TFCA-Kalimantan stakeholder data was carried out qualitatively using in-depth/semi-structured interviews (either by telephone or face-to-face), group discussions, and field observations. Overall, interviews were conducted with 169 informants representing each stakeholder in TFCA-Kalimantan, which included the Oversight Committee, OCTM, Administrator, Regional Facilitator, 14 TFCA-Kalimantan Partners, local government and beneficiary communities.


  • Year


  • Focus Activity

    Evaluation Study

  • Location Study

    Kapuas Hulu, Berau, Kubu Raya, Kutai Barat, Kutai Timur.

  • Coordinator Study

    Angga Dwiartama (Koordinator), Fadhli Ilhami (Wakil Koordinator), Fauzan Djamal (Supervisor).

  • Team Research

    Data Controller: Nofalia Nurfitriani & M. Fikry Pratama.
    Peneliti Lapangan: Hilda Arum Nurbayyanti, Aprilia Ambarwati, Adhitya Adjie Nugraha, Nofalia Nurfitriani, Fikry Pratama.
    Peneliti Online: Ilma Soliha, Ressa Ria, Akhmad Zainal, Sony Saefulloh, Adhitya Adjie Nugraha, Rahmad Effendi, Cynthia Eka Putri, Nofalia, Nurfitriani, Fikry Pratama, Fadhli Ilhami, Mentari Qorina.